Results for 'H. M. Nelson'

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  1.  30
    Building Effective Mentoring Relationships During Clinical Ethics Fellowships: Pedagogy, Programs, and People.Trevor M. Bibler, Ryan H. Nelson, Bryanna Moore, Janet Malek & Mary A. Majumder - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (1):1-29.
    How should clinical ethicists be trained? Scholars have stated that clinical ethics fellowships create well-trained, competent ethicists. While this appears intuitive, few features of fellowship programs have been publicly discussed, let alone debated. In this paper, we examine how fellowships can foster effective mentoring relationships. These relationships provide the foundation for the fellow’s transition from novice to competent professional. In this essay, we begin by discussing our pedagogical commitments. Next, we describe the structures our program has created to assist our (...)
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    Changes in the pitch of tones when melodies are repeated.J. P. Guilford & H. M. Nelson - 1936 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 19 (2):193.
  3.  21
    De Novis Libris Iudicia.J. C. Kamerbeek, W. J. Verdenius, J. H. Waszink, Alphen A. D. Rijn, M. David & H. L. W. Nelson - 1952 - Mnemosyne 5 (1):80-86.
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    Transitivity and the patterns of adult preferences.H. Bradbury & T. M. Nelson - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (5):337-339.
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    The transitivity of children’s inferences about preferences.H. Bradbury & T. M. Nelson - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (1):49-51.
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    The influence of thermal vibration on focused collision sequences.R. S. Nelson, M. W. Thompson & H. Montgomery - 1962 - Philosophical Magazine 7 (80):1385-1405.
  7.  53
    Literature and Ethical Medicine: Five Cases from Common Practice.R. Charon, H. Brody, M. W. Clark, D. Davis, R. Martinez & R. M. Nelson - 1996 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 21 (3):243-265.
    This essay is composed of five stories written by practicing physicians about their patients. Each clinical story describes a challenging ethical condition–potential abuse of medical power, gravely ill and probably over-treated newborns, iatrogenic narcotic addiction, deceived dying people. Rather than singling out one ethical conflict to resolve or adjudicate, the authors attempt, through literary methods, to grasp the singular experiences of their patients and to act according to the deep structures of their patients' lives. Examining these five stories with simple (...)
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  8. Numerosity, number, arithmetization, measurement and psychology.Thomas M. Nelson & S. Howard Bartley - 1961 - Philosophy of Science 28 (2):178-203.
    The paper aims to put certain basic mathematical elements and operations into an empirical perspective, evaluate the empirical status of various analytic operations widely used within psychology and suggest alternatives to procedures criticized as inadequate. Experimentation shows the "manyness" of items to be a perceptual quality for both young children and animals and that natural operations are performed by naive children analogous to those performed by persons tutored in arithmetic. Number, counting, arithmetic operations therefore can make distinctions that are not (...)
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  9. Robertson, H. M., Aspects of the Rise of Economic Individualism.Nelson Nelson - 1935 - Studies in Philosophy and Social Science 4:461.
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    Zalta on Unnecessary Logical Truths.M. Hojati, M. Saeedimehr & S. H. Shahryari - 2013 - Metaphysics (University of Isfahan) 5 (15):1-16.
    According to a traditional view all logical truths are necessary however, this thesis recently has been faced with various critiques from different points of view. Introducing some logical operators, David Kaplan and Edward Zalta claim that there are logical truths regarding common definition ‒ that are not necessary. William Hanson objects Zalta's examples believing that they rely on unjustified presuppositions especially he does not accept real world validity as a proper notion for presenting logical truth. Nelson and Zalta reply (...)
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    De Novis Libris Iudicia.C. J. Ruijgh, J. H. Jongkees, W. J. Verdenius, G. Schreiner, J. C. Kamerbeek, W. J. W. Koster, G. -J.-M.-J. Te Riele, B. A. Van Groningen, J. H. Croon, G. J. D. Aalders, E. Boswinkel, H. L. W. Nelson, R. E. H. Westendorp Boerma & P. J. Enk - 1961 - Mnemosyne 14 (4):325-378.
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  12. Dynamic Neuro-Cognitive Imagery (DNITM) Improves Developpé Performance, Kinematics, and Mental Imagery Ability in University-Level Dance Students.Amit Abraham, Rebecca Gose, Ron Schindler, Bethany H. Nelson & Madeleine E. Hackney - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:362198.
    ABSTRACT Dance requires optimal range-of-motion and cognitive abilities. Mental imagery is a recommended, yet under-researched, training method for enhancing both of these. This study investigated the effect of Dynamic Neuro-Cognitive Imagery (DNI™) training on developpé performance (measured by gesturing ankle height and self-reported observations) and kinematics (measured by hip and pelvic range-of-motion), as well as on dance imagery abilities. Thirty-four university-level dance students (M age = 19.70 + 1.57) were measured performing three developpé tasks (i.e., 4 repetitions, 8 consecutive seconds (...)
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  13.  23
    Language and Society. By M. M. Lewis. (Nelson. Pp. vi + 249. 12s. 6d.).W. J. H. Sprott - 1949 - Philosophy 24 (89):184-.
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    The growth of religion.Henry Nelson Wieman - 1938 - Chicago,: Willett, Clark. Edited by Walter Marshall Horton.
    pt. I. The historical growth of religion, by W. M. Horton.--pt. II. Contemporary growth of religion, by H. N. Wieman.
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    The Roman Empire The Roman Empire. By G. H. Stevenson. Pp. 255; 2 maps, 15 illustrations. London: Nelson, 1930. Cloth, 2s. 6d. [REVIEW]M. Cary - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (01):28-.
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    Atlas of the Classical World. Edited by A. A. M. Van Der Heyden and H. H. Scullard. Pp. 222; 475 figs., 73 maps. Edinburgh: Nelson, 1959. Cloth, 70 s. net. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (1):95-95.
  17.  18
    Community: A Trinity of Models by Frank G. Kirkpatrick. [REVIEW]Paul Nelson - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):372-374.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:372 BOOK REVIEWS This understanding, moreover, gives ontological validity to the communication of idioms, which Morris surprisingly sees as accomplishing nothing but" muddying the water" (p. 49). As God, the Son is omniscient, immutable, all-powerful, etc., but in his new mode of existence as man, he is truly ignorant, passible, and limited. Existing as man, the Son experiences all that pertains to historioolly conditioned humanity. In the Incarnation the (...)
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  18.  21
    Empirical knowledge; readings from contemporary sources.Roderick M. Chisholm (ed.) - 1973 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
    Nelson, L. The impossibility of the "Theory of knowledge."--Moore, G. E. Four forms of skepticism.--Lehrer, K. Skepticism & conceptual change.--Quine, W. V. Epistemology naturalized.--Rozeboom, W. W. Why I know so much more than you do.--Price, H. H. Belief and evidence.--Lewis, C. I. The bases of empirical knowledge.--Malcolm, N. The verification argument.--Firth, R. The anatomy of certainty.--Chisholm, R. M. On the nature of empirical evidence.--Meinong, A. Toward an epistemological assessment of memory.--Brandt, R. The epistemological status of memory beliefs.--Malcolm, N. A (...)
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    Aspects of contemporary American philosophy.Franklin H. Donnell - 1965 - Würzburg,: Physica-Verlag.
    Contemporary developments in American epistemology, by R. M. Chisholm.--Contemporary metaphysics in the United States, by D. F. Gustafson.--Philosophy of physics, by H. Putnam--The influence of continental philosophy on the contemporary American scene: a summons to autonomy, by G. A. Scharader, Jr.--The influence of the later Wittgenstein on American philosophy, by J. O. Nelson.--Philosophy of mind, by F. H. Donnell, Jr.--Some remarks on the philosophy of language, by J. A. Fodor.--Ethics in the United States today, by D. Kading.--Social philosophy; philosophy (...)
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  20.  44
    Gaius M. David, H. L. W. Nelson: Gai Institutionum Commentarii iv m philologischem Kommentar herausgegeben. Text (2. Lief.), Kommer tar (2. Lief.). (Studia Gaiana, vol. ii, iii.) Pp. 48–96, 177–342. Leider Brill, 1960. Paper, fl. 25. [REVIEW]Robert Browning - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (02):138-139.
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    Um Einheit und Heil der Menschheit: Willem Adolph Visser't Hoof gewidmet, dessen lebendiges u. beständiges Zeugnis f. d. Einheit d. Kirche u. dessen tatkräftige Einsatz f. d. Einheit d. Menschheit dieses Buch entstehen liesseen; und e. Bibliographie d. Veröff. von Willem A. Visser 't Hooft.J. Robert Nelson, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Visser 'T. Hooft & Willem Adolph (eds.) - 1973 - Frankfurt (am Main);: Lembeck.
    Einheit der Kirche und Einheit der Menschheit, by W. Pannenberg.--Die Menschheit, Israel und die Nationen in hebräischer Überlieferung, by M. Greenberg.--Die Einheit der Menschheit in biblischer Sicht, by C. Maurer.--Einheit und Entfremdung im Islam, by H. Askari.--Die Entdeckung Amerikas und das europäische Menschenbild, by L. González Rodríguez.--Der Einfluss des Kolonialismus auf das asiatische Verständnis vom Menschen, by J. G. Arapura.--Religiöser Pluralismus und die Suche nach menschlicher Gemeinschaft, by S. J. Samartha.--Vom konfuzianischen Edelmann zum neuen chinesischen "politischen Menschen", by D. A. (...)
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  22.  42
    Gaius M. David and H. L. W. Nelson: Gaii Institutionum Commentarii iv mit philologischem Kommentar herausgegeben. Text (1. Lieferung): Pp. 48. Kommentar (1. Lieferung): Pp. 176. (Studia Gaiana, vols. ii and iii.) Leiden: Brill, 1954. Paper, fl. 25. [REVIEW]Robert Browning - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (3-4):287-289.
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    Two Minds, One Patient: Clearing up Confusion About “Ambivalence”.Bryanna Moore, Ryan H. Nelson, Peter A. Ubel & Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (6):37-47.
    Patients who experience difficulty making medical decisions are often referred to as “ambivalent.” However, the current lack of attention to the nuances between a cluster of phenomena that resemble...
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  24.  43
    Scepticism in Homer?H. M. Zellner - 1994 - Classical Quarterly 44 (02):308-.
    It has been claimed that the earliest expression of a robust scepticism is in the Catalogue of Ships in the Iliad, and even commentators who would not go that far have thought the passage an important guide to epistemological attitudes in Homeric antiquity. It will be argued here that a close examination of the text does not support such conclusions. On the other hand, there are respectable reasons for an interpretation in which religious factors are operative, rather than epistemic ones. (...)
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  25.  72
    Behavior of a magnetic dipole freely floating on water surface.M. A. & H. Kh - manuscript
    In this paper, the authors have detected a new effect in the area of geomagnetism, related to the behavior of a magnetic dipole freely floating on water surface. An experiment is described in the present paper in which a magnetic dipole fixed upon a float placed on non- magnetized water surface undergoes displacement along with reorientation caused by fine structure of the earth's magnetic field. This fact can probably be explained by secular decrease of the earth's major dipole moment. Further, (...)
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  26. Boethius of Dacia, 117 Bolton, R., 2, 6, 20.M. H. Abrams, J. G. Ackermann, C. Adam, P. Adam, P. Adamson, J. Aertsen, M. Alonso, Alphonso Vargas, F. Alquié & R. Andrews - 2008 - In Kärkkäinen Knuuttila, Theories of Perception in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy.
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  27. Killing, letting die, and simple conflicts.H. M. Malm - 1989 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 18 (3):238-258.
  28.  78
    Dogmata Qvisqve Sva’ - S. J. Suys-Reitsma: Het homerisch Epos als orale Schepping van een Dichter-Hetairie. Pp. vi+118. Amsterdam: H. J. Paris, 1955. Paper, fl. 5.90. - C. M. Bowra: Homer and his Forerunners. (Andrew Lang Lecture, University of St. Andrews, 1955.) Pp. iv+42. Edinburgh: Nelson, 1955. Paper, 5 s. net. - L. G. Pocock: The Landfalls of Odysseus. Pp. 16; 6 plates, 4 text figs. Christchurch (N.Z.): Whitcombe & Tombs, 1955. Paper, 3 s. 6 d. (N.Z.) net.J. A. Davison - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (3-4):205-.
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  29. Liberalism, bad samaritan law, and legal paternalism.H. M. Malm - 1995 - Ethics 106 (1):4-31.
  30. The Ontological Status of Consent and its Implications for the Law on Rape.H. M. Malm - 1996 - Legal Theory 2 (2):147-164.
    One of the dominant themes of the symposium from which this collection of articles arose was the ontological status of consent. Is consent a particular state of mind? Is it the signification of that state of mind via a conventionally recognized act? Or, is consent a normative concept that evaluates not only the presence of a state of mind or act, but also the appropriateness of that state of mind or act in the particular circumstances?
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  31. The seven sexes: A study in the sociology of a phenomenon, or the replication of experiments in physics.H. M. Collins - 1975 - Sociology 9 (2):205.
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    L'Intuition Bergsonienne.H. M. Kallen - 1913 - Philosophical Review 22 (4):438-439.
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  33. On the Introspective Study of Feeling.H. M. Stanley - 1893 - Philosophical Review 2:98.
  34. SACK, J. -Monistische Gottes- und Weltanschauung.H. M. Stanley - 1885 - Mind 10:420.
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    Children's working-memory processes: A response-timing analysis.Nelson Cowan, John N. Towse, Zoë Hamilton, J. Scott Saults, Emily M. Elliott, Jebby F. Lacey, Matthew V. Moreno & Graham J. Hitch - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (1):113.
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    What can humans learn from flies about adenomatous polyposis coli?Angela I. M. Barth & W. James Nelson - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (9):771-774.
    Somatic or inherited mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene are a frequent cause of colorectal cancer in humans. APC protein has an important tumor suppression function to reduce cellular levels of the signaling protein β‐catenin and, thereby, inhibit β‐catenin and T‐cell‐factor‐mediated gene expression. In addition, APC protein binds to microtubules in vertebrate cells and localizes to actin‐rich adherens junctions in epithelial cells of the fruit fly Drosophila (Fig. 1). Very little is known, however, about the function of these (...)
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    Le fond psychologique de la philosophie bergsonienne.H. M. J. Oldewelt - 1938 - Synthese 3 (1):99 - 100.
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    Embedded or embodied? a review of Hubert Dreyfus' What Computers Still Can't Do.H. M. Collins - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 80 (1):99-117.
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    Short- and long-range ordering of vacancies in non-stoichiometric zirconium sulphide.H. M. Kennett & M. L. Rudee - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (1):129-137.
  40. De ethiek van de verpleegkundige.H. M. L. Kerckhoffs - 1968 - Lochem,: De Tijdstroom.
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  41. Maurice Blondel-La philosophie de la tolerance et de la dignite humaine.H. M. Lasic - 1996 - Synthesis Philosophica 11:283-298.
  42.  7
    Matter, force, and spirit.H. M. Lazelle - 1895 - New York [etc.]: G. P. Putnam's sons.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  43. Anthropologie der Technik.H. M. Elzer - 1980 - Philosophia Naturalis 18 (1):1.
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  44. Gedenkrede für Prof. Dr. Matthias Meier.H. M. Elzer - 1950 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 60:1-6.
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    U. M. T. and the nation's schools in the religion of democracy.H. M. Kallen - 1951 - Ethics 62 (1):1-10.
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  46. A propos de Thomas de Modène.H. M. H. - 1913 - Revue Thomiste 21 (1/6):82.
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    Research with children and young people: not on them.H. M. Sammons, K. Wright, B. Young & B. Farsides - unknown
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  48. Prime Matter in Aristotle.H. M. Robinson - 1974 - Phronesis 19 (1):168-188.
  49.  18
    Captives and Victims: Comment on Scott, Richards, and Martin.H. M. Collins - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (2):249-251.
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    X.—Bertrand Russell on Perception.H. M. Smith - 1932 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 32 (1):207-226.
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